Lanbrook, St Marys Lane, Hertingfordbury, Hertfordshire
Application No 3/20/1461/OUT
Outline planning for a Continuing Care Retirement Community Comprising up to 168 one-and two-bedroom extra-care apartments, 40 assisted living apartments a village centre building with community and medical facilities, external landscaping and green infrastructure – All Matters Reserved at Lanbrook, St Marys Lane, Hertingfordbury, Hertfordshire.
CPRE Hertfordshire object to this proposal for inappropriate development in the Green Belt, contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework and the East Herts District Plan.
This site is currently open pasture land in the Green Belt on the edge of the Group 2 Village of Hertingfordbury, within which only limited development is allowed. This proposal would double the size of the population of the village. Its development would be contrary to the Green Belt provisions of the NPPF and Policy GBR1 of the East Herts District Plan.
The outline application for this site appears to be as a consequence of the Council’s repeated refusal of applications for a similar development by the same applicant on the nearby Brickfields site. It is notable that the residential property designs for this site are identical to those for Brickfields, that large parts of the Design and Access Statement have been taken from that for the earlier proposals and that the very special circumstances put forward to justify the development in the Green Belt are essentially the same.
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