Land adjacent to Heathbourne Cottage, Heathbourne Road, Bushey Heath
Application No. 20/0142/FUL
Erection of a new detached 5-bed dwelling on Land adjacent to Heathbourne Cottage, Heathbourne Road, Bushey Heath, Hertfordshire.
This is essentially a revised submission of application 19/1277/FUL which the Council refused in October 2019. Despite the redesign of the property, increasing it from a 4-bed to a 5-bed property, and the exclusion of that part of the site which is within the Local Wildlife site, the principles applying to the site remain the same and CPRE Hertfordshire continue to oppose this proposal.
The applicant says that the design of the building is substantially different from that included in the earlier application. However the previous application claimed that the then proposed dwelling was “an innovative and contemporary design” which, because of “the exceptional quality of the design” amounted to the very special circumstances that would outweigh the harm to the Green Belt. The Council determined that the earlier building was neither innovative or of exceptional quality.
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