Haresfoot Farm, Chesham Road, Berkhamsted
Application no. 24/00330/MFA
Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of the site to provide 86 residential units (market and affordable), construction of a community hub building, together with associated landscaping, open space, parking, and highway improvement
There is a varied and extensive planning history of this rural site in the Green Belt, which, contrary to the applicant’s planning statement, is not ‘adjacent to a defined settlement’. It is clear from a previous planning appeal decision that the generally rural character of both the existing development and surrounding area is significant and should be maintained. We believe that this proposed development south of the A41 and well outside the built-up area of Berkhamsted would comprise a significant encroachment into the Green Belt, and we urge the Council to refuse permission for this unsustainable and inappropriate proposal.
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Haresfoot Farm
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