Former Clay And Gravel Quarry Quarry End Manor St Marys Lane Hertingfordbury SG14 2LE
Application No. 3/19/1857/F
Erection of house including restoration of former quarry and landscaping including the creation of a nature habitat at Former Clay And Gravel Quarry Quarry End Manor St Marys Lane Hertingfordbury SG14 2LE.
CPRE Hertfordshire object to this proposal as inappropriate development in the Green Belt contrary to the Green Belt policies in the National Planning Policy Framework and the East Herts District Plan.
This is essentially a resubmission of Application 3/18/1200/F which was refused by the Council and dismissed at appeal. The only material change is the applicant’s statement that they will prohibit public access to the proposed nature reserve in order to overcome the Appeal Inspector’s point that the house would constitute an intrusive element in the Green Belt when viewed from the nature reserve.
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