Crumps Farm, West Road, Sawbridgeworth
Application no. 3/24/1957/FUL
Change of use of land from agriculture to residential (Use Class 3)(retrospective)
This application follows the similar application no. 3/24/0088/FUL which was refused permission on 13th March 2024. CPRE Hertfordshire objected to that application on the basis of inadequate information and the likelihood of inappropriate development in the Green Belt. The present application still provides no further information with regard to the future development of the site for residential use and we support fully the Council’s previous decision and reasons for refusal which remain relevant for this proposal, notwithstanding the modest reduction in site area.
Download our submittal at right. Also see our objection to the earlier application.
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Land at Crumps Farm, West Road, Sawbridgeworth
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