Colesdale Farm, Northaw Road West, Northaw, Potters Bar EN6 4QZ
Application No. 6/2019/2760/Outline
Outline permission for residential development of site of up to 34 dwellings following demolition of the existing buildings and structures with all matters reserved apart from
access At Colesdale Farm, Northaw Road West, Northaw, Potters Bar EN6 4QZ.
CPRE Hertfordshire continue to object to this proposal for residential development within the Green Belt. Our objections were fully outlined in our response to Application No.
6/2019/0882/Outline, dated 5 June 2019 and rather than restate them again here, we refer you to that letter. Notwithstanding the reduction in the number of dwellings from 38 to 34, our objections remain.
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