Church Lane, Sarratt
Application no. 22/0601/OUT – Land at rear of 17- 49 Church Lane, Sarratt
This outline application seeks permission for the erection of up to 78 new dwellings, a new doctor’s surgery and Scout Headquarters.
Application no. 22/0602/OUT – Land adjacent 97 Church Lane, Sarratt
This outline application seeks permission for the erection of up to nine new homes.
The two applications have been linked by the Applicant. CPRE Hertfordshire believes that this linkage is highly inappropriate and conflates issues which should be considered separately. The conditions for each site are quite different in scale, location and impact, and require separate consideration in planning terms. We urge the Council to refuse them both on the grounds of their impact on the Green Belt and setting of the AONB.
Church Lane, Sarratt, objection to planning applications
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