Land East of Green Street and North of Orchard Drive, Chorleywood
Application no. 24/0476/OUT – Demolition of the existing farm building and comprehensive development of the site, delivering up to 300 no. residential dwellings (Use Class C3), associated access, and supporting amenity space, landscaping, green infrastructure and sustainable drainage systems
Application no. 24/0538/OUT – Demolition of the existing farm building and comprehensive development of the site, delivering up to 675 no. residential dwellings (Use Class C3), a new two-form entry primary school, associated access, and supporting amenity space, landscaping, green infrastructure and sustainable drainage systems
CPRE Hertfordshire continues to object strongly to these speculative and inappropriate development proposals in the Chilterns National Landscape and in the Green Belt, as we did to the previous applications 20/0898/OUT and 20/0882/OUT, which were for the same site. We urge the Council to refuse permission once again.
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Land East of Green Street and North of Orchard Drive
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