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4 Maple Side, Ginns Road, Stocking Pelham, Buntingford, Herts SG9 0HX

Application No 3/20/1702/FUL: Erection of a 3 bedroom detached house and new vehicular access. Land Adjacent To 4 Maple Side, Ginns Road, Stocking Pelham, Buntingford,
Hertfordshire SG9 0HX

CPRE Hertfordshire object to this proposed development in the Rural Area Beyond the Green Belt, within the settlement boundary of Stocking Pelham.

The application is not accompanied by an explanatory letter, Planning Statement or Design and Access Statement and so we are unable to assess the premise on which the application is made. As Stocking Pelham is a Group 3 village, we assume that the application is intended to be considered under East Herts District Plan Policy VILL3.

VILL3 allows for limited infill development but only if identified in a neighbourhood plan. While this site could legally be considered as limited infilling under common definitions, it does extend the built footprint of the village and the existing garden land doesn’t constitute previously developed land under the NPPF. There is currently no neighbourhood plan covering Stocking Pelham.