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Dismay as Council proposes Land East of Tring ‘Marshcroft’ for Development

4th December 2024

The large area of Green Belt land east of Tring known as Marshcroft has now been included in Dacorum’s Submission Local Plan as a proposed site allocation for development, despite the developer’s application being dismissed at appeal earlier this year.

The land east of Tring known as Marshcroft is once again under threat of development.

A brief recap

In 2022, developer Redrow submitted a planning application for 1,400 dwellings and related facilities on 300 acres of land situated in the Green Belt and in the setting of the Chilterns National Landscape. Dacorum Borough Council refused permission, and Redrow then appealed this decision.

The appeal went to Inquiry in 2023, at which the Council invested significant resources in defending their refusal. We participated as part of the Rule 6 Combined Objectors’ Group alongside the Grove Fields Residents Association and the Chilterns Society, together fighting to protect the Green Belt from this development proposal. The Inquiry was lengthy, very detailed, and considered all aspects of the proposed development.

We were delighted when the appeal was then dismissed in March 2024. It was determined by the Secretary of State, who assessed the benefits listed by the developer and concluded that, taking all matters into account, they did not clearly outweigh the harm that would be caused to the Green Belt and the setting of the Chilterns National Landscape.

It is also noteworthy that the subsequent legal challenge by the developer did not succeed in the High Court.

Latest status

Fast forward to November 2024, and we were surprised and dismayed to find that Dacorum Borough Council, after having invested all that time, effort and money at Inquiry, has now done an about-face and included Marshcroft as a proposed site allocation for development in the Regulation 19 Submission Local Plan.

We believe it is highly inappropriate and unsound to effectively over-ride the planning appeal Inquiry decision. And it is unreasonable for the Council to now suggest that exceptional circumstances as required by the National Planning Policy Framework exist to allocate this site, when local conditions affecting the site and surrounding area are unchanged.

We will shortly be submitting our formal representation to this effect, along with our additional representations regarding the Dacorum Submission Local Plan. The Plan will then be subject to Examination where we will be challenging several aspects including this proposed site allocation.

For further detail, see our original objection and our opening and closing statements at the planning appeal Inquiry. And if unfamiliar with the location, please see this and other sites on our digital map.

epic countryside view over the threatened Marshcroft site, including woodlands, green fields and hedgerows
View from The Ridgeway in the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, looking over the proposed development site Grove Fields Residents Association