The Red Lion Stud, London Road, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire SG8 9RP
Application No. 20/02458/FP
Erection of one detached 4-bed bungalow including alteration to the existing vehicular
access off London Road following demolition of existing dwelling.
The Red Lion Stud, London Road, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire SG8 9RP
Application No. 20/02459/FP
Erection of two detached 3-bed and one detached 4-bed bungalows including alteration to
the existing vehicular access off London Road
following demolition of existing dwelling.
The Red Lion Stud, London Road, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire SG8 9RP
We are responding to both of these applications together as they are intimately linked, with
20/02458/FP essentially being a fallback position should 20/02459/FP fail to be approved.
The Red Lion Stud is situated in the Rural Area Beyond the Green Belt, outside of the
settlement boundary of Reed.
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