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Application No. 19/00123/FPM

Erection of 133 dwellings with associated amenity and open space provision, landscaping and access. Land To West of A1(M) and south of Stevenage Road, Todds Green, Stevenage Hertfordshire

CPRE Hertfordshire object to this application as an isolated unsustainable development. It would be contrary to the emerging local plan policy and premature in that it relates to a potentially much larger but as yet uncommitted, development in the current designated Green Belt to the West of Stevenage.

CPRE Herts have objected to the release of all the Green Belt land to the west of the A1(M) as inappropriate and because very special circumstances have not been demonstrated. The North Herts Local Plan is submitted, but not approved and the emerging Stevenage Plan, currently subject of a Holding Direction by the Secretary of State, has safeguarded this land as an access corridor (Policy IT2) in the event that the wider land release is approved.

Added 20 March 2019
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