Land Opposite Heath Farm, Briary Lane, Royston, Hertfordshire
Application No. 20/00744/OP
Outline planning application for up to 99 residential dwellings (including up to 40% affordable housing), introduction of structural planting and landscaping, informal public
open space and children’s play area, surface water flood mitigation, vehicular access point via the demolition of an existing property on Echo Hill (all matters to be reserved for later determination save site vehicular access) on land opposite Heath Farm, Briary Lane, Royston, Hertfordshire.
CPRE Hertfordshire continue to object to this speculative proposal for inappropriate residential development in the Rural Area Beyond The Green Belt and outside the settlement boundary of Royston, contrary to the policies in both the current Local Plan No.2 and the Submission Local Plan which is presently subject to Examination in Public.
In essence, the justifications for development put forward by the applicant remain the same as those included with Application No. 18/00747/OP for 120 dwellings which was refused by the Council in 2019. The material differences between the two applications are the reduction in the number of units proposed and the move of vehicular access from Briary Lane to Echo Hill.
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