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Land East Of Green Street And North Of Orchard Drive, Chorleywood

Application No. 20/0898/OUT   –   Outline Application: Demolition of the existing farm building and comprehensive development of the site, delivering up to 300 no. residential dwellings (Use Class C3), associated access, and supporting amenity space, landscaping, green infrastructure and sustainable drainage systems (all matters reserved except for access)


Application No. 20/0882/OUT   –   Outline Application: Demolition of the existing farm building and comprehensive development of the site, delivering up to 800 no. residential dwellings (Use Class C3), associated access, and supporting amenity space, landscaping, green infrastructure and sustainable drainage systems (all matters reserved except for access)

Land east of Green Street and north of Orchard Drive, Chorleywood

Added 3 July 2020
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