Land Adjacent To 148 High Street, Kimpton, Hertfordshire
Application No. 20/00667/FP
Erection of six 4-bed dwellings and three 3-bed dwellings including associated parking, turning area, amenity space and alterations to existing vehicular access off High Street on land adjacent to 148 High Street, Kimpton, Hertfordshire.
CPRE Hertfordshire have concerns regarding the nature of this application. While it is described as a full application, the applicant clearly states that “The application is being submitted ahead of the adoption of the Local Plan but it is recognised that the Council will not be able to determine the application ahead of its adoption and the release of the land from the Green Belt.”
We are puzzled as to why the Council chose to validate this application. Government guidance says that once a planning application has been validated, the local planning authority should make a decision on the proposal as quickly as possible, and in any event within the statutory time limit unless a longer period is agreed in writing with the applicant. There is nothing in the application to say that a longer period has been agreed, despite the fact that the adoption of the Submission Local Plan is not imminent.
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