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Application No. 19/01448/FP

Residential development of 66 dwellings and associated new local open space, access and associated works (as amended by plans and documents received 23rd December 2021 and 25th January 2022) on former Wyevale Codicote Garden Centre, High Street, Codicote SG4 8XA

It remains our position that this proposal would cause significant harm to the openness of the Green Belt. Determining the application at this stage would pre-empt the findings of the Examination in Public of the Submission Local Plan and could prejudice balanced decisions on the scale and location of housing in North Herts.

As well, since this application was made in 2019 changes have been made in legislation, namely the Environment Act 2021 and Climate Change Acts, which should require a reexamination of the form and function of housing developments with regard to the impacts of climate change and the requirements for biodiversity net gain.

For these reasons, we urge the Council to refuse this application in its present form, and in line with many other local planning authorities with significant areas of designated protected Green Belt, institute a review of Local Plan policy proposals.

You can download our most recent submittal at right, and read our earlier 2019 submittal here.