Campaign to save Woodcock Hill Village Green for the community
Over the past year we have been pleased to add our voice to that of local campaigners in the effort to protect and maintain Woodcock Hill Village Green as common land, for the benefit of the local community.
Woodcock Hill is a 10 hectare open public space in Borehamwood, designated as a Village Green in 2008. The site is substantially located in the Green Belt. It is actively managed as a nature reserve, open space and community asset, and there is a volunteer group that monitors and records the wide variety of wildlife species.
Developers Taylor Wimpey, part owners of the land, have applied for de-registration of the common so that they can build housing on the site. The original application was refused, and Taylor Wimpey has appealed the refusal. The Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) have agreed to hold a public inquiry on the matter, anticipated for later this summer. CPRE Hertfordshire has registered to appear at the inquiry in support of the local Woodcock Hill Village Green society, who have appointed counsel and launched a fundraising campaign.
Our previous representations on Woodcock Hill Village Green can be viewed here.
Woodcock Hill Village Green, Borehamwood – Proposed Deregistration – CPREHerts 2021-02-03
Woodcock Hill Village Green, Borehamwood – Proposed Deregistration – CPREHerts 2020-11-18
Woodcock Hill Village Green, Borehamwood – Proposed Deregistration – CPREHerts 2020-07-17