Local places to visit in Three Rivers
Three Rivers District in the southwestern corner of Hertfordshire gets its name from the confluence of the Chess and the Gade with the Colne River near Rickmansworth.
As with all our ‘local places to visit’ these are free and open all year round.
Stocker’s Lake
This is a 40 hectare site within the Colne Valley Regional Park. Formerly a gravel pit it is now a local nature reserve. Over 60 species of breeding birds have been sighted here including goldeneye, kingfisher, heron and egret. Read more about Stocker’s Lake.
The Friends of Stocker’s Lake volunteer group received our CPRE Hertfordshire Chairman’s Award in 2019 for their outstanding work to conserve and maintain the site.
Harrocks Wood
43 hectares of ancient broadleaf woodland, Harrocks Wood is a tranquil area near Watford. The wood is home to badgers, deer, bats and owls among other animals. In the spring the wildflowers are in bloom including bluebell, celandine and primrose. Click here for more information about Harrocks Wood.