Our representation opposing Luton Airport’s massive expansion to 32 mppa
Earlier today we have submitted our ‘relevant representation’ opposing Luton Airport’s application for a development consent order (DCO) for a massive expansion. The application seeks permission to nearly double the airport, from the current permitted level of 18 million passengers per annum (mppa) to 32 mppa.
The next step in the DCO process should be an examination in public later this year, at which we will participate jointly with our colleagues at CPRE Bedfordshire.
You can read our representation, and see further background here and here.
In short, the expansion proposal is terrible for local people, whose daily lives will become a nightmare with more noise and more air pollution. It’s also terrible for the countryside, with airport expansion to the east destroying Wigmore Park, as well as destroying the tranquillity of the countryside across a huge swathe of Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire under the flight paths. And the proposal is terrible for the planet, at a time when we need to be doing everything we can to mitigate and reduce carbon emissions and achieve net zero.
We will continue to fight Luton Airport’s proposed expansion and we encourage local people to do the same.
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