22 Ideas That Saved The English Countryside

Signed by the lead author Peter Waine – Just 1 copy left !!
Written by CPRE’s former Chairman Peter Waine and longtime Senior Communications Officer Oliver Hilliam, 22 Ideas That Saved The English Countryside is a chronicle of the once-radical ideas such as National Parks, Green Belts, and Democratic Planning that have saved so much of our countryside.
This is a wonderful book that will appeal to anyone interested in English social history and the evolution of modern-day land use planning. Among the “ideas” are Keeping Villages Alive, Rural Planning, The Right to Roam, and Saving Our Forests. Written in a story-telling style, this book is perfect for anyone who is passionate about the countryside.
Published in 2016, this original edition hard-cover has 224 pages and is lavishly illustrated with contemporary photography and archive material.
£25 plus £4 packaging and postage per total merchandise order.
As with all our merchandise, all proceeds help fund our work to protect, promote and enhance the Hertfordshire countryside for everyone’s benefit.