Understanding Planning: our training webinars
CPRE Hertfordshire is pleased to offer online training webinars on Zoom, suitable for anyone concerned about planning issues in their community. These are intended to help you understand the planning process, have your say, and influence the outcome.
Planning can be confusing! There are a lot of unfamiliar terms, regulations and processes. Some planning policies and decisions are determined locally and others at a national level. When you just want the best for your community, it can feel daunting to deal with the planning system.
We’re here to help. CPRE Hertfordshire campaigns to protect and promote the countryside, for everyone. For over 95 years our charity has been working within the planning system for the benefit of local people and communities who care about their local green spaces, nature and the environment.
Two of CPRE Hertfordshire’s senior planning professionals, Chris Berry and Alison Young, will present our new training webinars. Between them, Chris and Alison have over 60 years of professional planning experience (read their biographies below), and they’re eager to share their knowledge and answer your questions. Each training webinar will include a presentation, followed by plenty of time for your questions.
Understanding the Local Plan process and how to have your say
This session includes the “how” and “why” of Local Plans, including the various consultation stages, examination and adoption, how Neighbourhood Plans fit into the picture, and what the situation is with various pending Local Plans in Hertfordshire.
This training session will next be offered on Thursday 3 October 2024, 1900-2030.
Understanding the Planning Application process and how to have your say
This session covers the planning application process from the pre-application stage right through to planning appeal Inquiries and determinations, with discussion of material planning considerations, and real examples.
This training session will next be offered on Thursday 17 October 2024, 1900-2030.
Book your place here for either session, or both sessions…
Who should attend
Our planning training webinars are suitable for anyone with an interest in planning who wants to learn more. In particular we anticipate the following will wish to attend:
- parish, town and district Councillors (and those who might like to become a Councillor)
- those who are currently involved with a local campaign
- residents who are concerned about development proposals in their local community
- everyone who cares about the countryside nearby and wants to ensure it’s still there for future generations
Note, you need not be a Hertfordshire resident to gain benefit from our planning training. Although some of our examples will be Hertfordshire-based, the planning process and the issues we will be discussing are relevant throughout England.
How to book your place
Each webinar is “standalone” so you can choose to attend either one, or both. Cost to attend each webinar is £5 for CPRE Members, and £10 for Non-Members.
As a charity we rely on membership subscriptions and donations to fund our work. Join CPRE Hertfordshire and take advantage of a discount on each webinar plus other member benefits including regular publications, reports and briefings.
Any questions? Please contact us at office@cpreherts.org.uk
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Chris Berry BA(Hons), Dip TP, MRTPI, FRSA – Planning Manager, CPRE Hertfordshire
Chris is a chartered town planner with over 40 years experience. He was Chief Planning Officer for several local planning authorities, including London and Hertfordshire Boroughs, with previous experience in development corporations and consultancy in the UK and overseas. He also served as a Borough Councillor in East Sussex and is completely committed to protecting the countryside through the planning system and working with local groups and interests.
Alison Young BA (Hons), Cert. TP Director of Alison Young Planning Associates
Alison has 30+ years experience in Local Government Planning departments including 10 years leading Development Management for East Hertfordshire District Council. Alison is a trustee of CPRE Hertfordshire and is passionate about promoting the enjoyment of our countryside whilst maintaining its intrinsic character and rural qualities.